Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Miss Linda's and Andres' Welcoming Party!

I went to a party last night to welcome Andres to America! (He's my new best friend!) He's already helped take care of me a couple of times and we have big adventures planned for next week!

Lily's View of Christmas 09

Friday, December 25, 2009

My first pictures with my new camera...

Me as a princess...

Me in my Princess Tiana nightgown.

My Paw.

Nana TT and Paw's dog, Duke.


My Uncle Adam.

Under the tree.

My Grandma, Marguerite.

With my Aunt Lizzy.

Mommy helping me put on my wings.

My Grandma and Nana TT!

A Blog to go with My New Camera!

I got a camera for Christmas from my Nana TT and Paw and will post my pictures here!